Asserts given conditions.

Type signature

(condition: boolean, callbackOrMessage?: (() => void) | string) => void;
export declare const throws: (f: () => void) => unknown | undefined;
export declare const assertNumber: (x?: unknown) => void;
export declare const assertInteger: (x?: unknown) => void;
export declare const assertByte: (x?: unknown) => void;
export declare const assertNormal: (x?: unknown) => void;
export declare const assertString: (x?: unknown, message?: string) => void;
export declare const assertIsDefined: (x?: unknown, message?: string) => void;
export default assert


assert(true === false);
// ⇒ TypeError("Assertion failed!")
Try in REPL


  • How to assert a condition?
  • How to throw when a condition is not satisfied?

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